half pon tak habes bace gak lagi..
the latest novel yg saye baru beli
beli kat mph...
title die
seduce me at sunrise
by lisa kleypas
ari ni tak sentuh langsung pun
sbb class start awal pagi...
on 8...
tp lecturer cancel class lagi...
kind of pissed off sebenarnye...
kenape tak bagi tau awal2....
coz i drive all the way long...
120 lak tu tekan minyak...
class pragmatics tadi plak....
sangat mengantuk....
i'm sorry madam...
tapi that is exactly what i felt petang td...
ape akan jadi yer...
plan nak pegi tengok movie...
angels and demons
ngan mr. Pucip....
tapi tak tau la jadi ke tak....
dia pon takde cam bagi
any confirmation...
tak tau....
even though today is quite boring
tapi okay la jugak kan
at least i have something to do...
Collaboration request
6 months ago